April: At the beginning of April I had a meeting/interview with the CFO of Alliance Defense Fund. If you haven’t heard of ADF, click here http://www.alliancedefensefund.org/. After studying spiritual gifts over 15 months ago, I have prayerfully considered using my gifts, abilities, and talents in a ministry or non-profit organization. I haven’t completely given up on financial planning. The economy, stock market, investments, and financial instruments still capture my attention and intrigue me. However, I could not see myself pursuing a career in which the end goal is to get a client to retirement. I believe it is wise to plan ahead and for the future. I have seen that as people age their health typically declines so yes, saving/investing/planning for the future is smart! I am not anti-planning. I currently work for a financial planner and I see great wealth. Multi-generational wealth is what most financial planners want (a grandfather passing on a large inheritance to his son, and on down the family line). Mutli-generational wealth is not a bad thing.
Here are the bad things that I see in financial planning:
- I couldn’t help those who truly need financial planning because I would need to earn an income and my focus would need to be on those with much wealth.
- I don’t buy the American perspective of retirement. I could not see myself helping others attain this time of life where there’s rampant selfishness and a complete shut off from most aspects of life.
- Too much multi-generational wealth and not enough multi-generational faithfulness and teaching. Instead of teaching the son to fish just give him money and he can buy a fish.
After analyzing my spiritual gifts, much prayer, and submitting any thoughts of using these gift as a career to God, I was given a contact at the Alliance Defense Fund. My interview/meeting went VERY well. It was two hours long and at the end I was offered an internship for Spring 2008 semester.
If you all could lift this up in your prayers, I would greatly appreciate it! Also I am going to meet with others who do administrative work for ministries to see if opportunities are available.
That’s the beginning of April…and it just got busier and busier. More to come!
Quick Updates:
Currently Studying: Photo I (at MCC), Writing for the Professions, and Exercise and Wellness
Currently Working: Too much (40 hours a week)
Currently Reading: The Sinfulness of Sin (puritan classic)
Currently Drinking: Tall Iced No Whip White Mocha
Currently Thinking About: All the things I need when I move out in late August