Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Wednesday's Word

Why do we obey?
  • a) To receive the praise of men
  • b) To avoid guilt of disobedience
  • c) To receive the blessing that is in a specific scricpture


  • d) To get JESUS (intimate communion with our Savior)


rustypth said...

A balance of each of them.

Brian said...

Rusty, I do agree with your answer. I think "a" is the hardest to balance with all of them and the reason I wroted it as I did is because all too often I find myself obeying because of just 1 of those, and usually not "d".

Brian said...

It is of highest importance that we obey NOT out of obligation or the law, because if we obey for any reason except to continue intimate relationship with our Lord and Savior and "get" more of him, we are obeying out of self-salvation. We need to repent of any self-righteousness/self-salvation and thank God for the perfect life and sacrifical death of Christ in our place, that because of we are sons and daughters ALL because of what Christ has done.

jim said...

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